Learning to Expect the Unexpected.

Learning to Expect the Unexpected.

So you know when something happens that isn’t too crazy when it happens to other people, but when it happens to you it’s like OMG?!?!?! That’s what it was like for me Dec 30, 2017.


My husband and I both had the day off so we went for an AMAZING hot yoga class. When we were pulling into the underground parking there was water poring from a pipe, not a normal thing to see, but whatever, these things happen. As we drove under the water a lovely older gentleman waved us over. “Just so you know the guy above you left his window open for a long period of time causing his water heating pipes to burst, which has now caused a waterfall flood in your condo. There is literally a river flowing from your unit.” We rolled up our window and continued on to our parking spot HYSTERICALLY laughing. We didn’t even know who this guy was, so how in the world could he know where we lived?


We walked up the stairs to our condo, and when we opened the stairwell door, sh!t got real. The gentleman wasn’t kidding. Our lovely condo had a river flowing down the hall from it.  I LOVE traveling to tropical places. The heat and humidity bring out the best in me… except for when that heat and humidity is radiating from my home in Northern Alberta, in the middle of a cold snap. We couldn’t believe the waterfall coming from multiple rooms’ roofs inside. This did not bring out the best in Little Miss SJ.  The rest of the day was spent dealing with the Fire Department, insurance companies, restoration companies, and panicking neighbours. Needless to say, it was a long day. My husband and I both packed up a couple of suitcases of clothes/essentials and we started our homeless gypsy  lifestyle.


It’s been about 3 weeks that we have been without our place, and most of our things. Luckily we had some friends let us stay at their house for a week, after that we have been hotel living.  Honestly, I let this whole ordeal effect me more than I should have.  I was in a serious funk for a good portion of these past 21 days. I felt like my personal routine was off, it took me a while to learn how to do things from a very minimalistic standpoint personally/professionally, I stalled on some business planning I have been wanting to do, and I was just grumpy! 


Essentially I had to give myself a bit of a Life Coaching session because I forgot about  a golden nugget in life. At all times we should expect the unexpected. Not only should we expect the unexpected, we should plan for and embrace the unexpected.  This speed bump is not the most challenging thing I have faced in my  life, nor will it be the most challenging thing. It’s life; sh!t happens. I was able to remind myself to practice my reframing skills. Side note: reframing is my favourite thing in life, so you know I was in a bit of a funk seeing’s how it took me so many flipping days to practice this. 


Being able to reframe the situation has gotten me out of my funk. This speed bump is a HUGE blessing because it’s an adventure with a learning opportunity. While giving myself my little pep talk, I envisioned myself as Miss Frizzle from the Magic School Bus. The whole situation has taught me to get comfortable not being in control. It has shown me what is most crucial in my life for success/survival, and it has given me the opportunity to see that those people who are most important to me always have my back.  It’s so funny how life literally will throw exactly what you need at you, even if you don’t agree with the situation at first.


I was bummed out that my 2018 started out with a damper (pun most definitely  intended) but now I see that my 2018 could  not have started any better.


We still have no word on when we will have an end to this gypsy adventure, and I’m sort of glad.


What has 2018 taught you so far?



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