New Year, New Me.... How's That Going For Ya?

New Year, New Me.... How's That Going For Ya?

As of today we are already 9 weeks into 2018. HOLY SMOKES, time is flying!

So,  about 63 days ago, a lot of us had grandeurs plans about how 2018 was going to be different than 2017. Side note, isn’t it funny that we tend to want our year to be different? It’s like we forget all of the good from the previous year like it didn’t even happen.  This year, I did not make a resolution, instead I came up with a mantra for 2018: See and be seen (you can find an explanation of this in with my other blogs).  Honestly, my mantra is working out well. I am able to show up powerfully for those I wish to serve, and I am getting better at going outside of my comfort bubble.

To say my 2018 mantra is effective simply because I wished it to be would be a BOLD FACED LIE! How many times have you wanted something to be truest BADLY, that  you spent a lot of time talking about it, paying attention to that thing, but not actually acting on that thing? Heck, maybe this is even where you are at with your 2018 goals. I find for a lot of people, this is where they are, even 63 days into the New Year.

You may have spent the last little bit of 2017 putting a lot of thought and strategy planning into how your 2018 was going to be different, but did you also spend time strategizing implementation? Do you know what I find is the biggest thing holding people back from having/living their best lives? The habit on NOT taking action,  and NOT implementing strategically change.  We can have the best intentions for ourselves, but until we take real life action, how can we expect 2018 to differ from 2017?

In order to make my 2018 different than my 2017, I let go of this ‘New Year, New Me’ bullsh!t. Instead I decided to invest in myself and ensure that I would take ACTION this year to be able to serve more people, so that those people could  in turn  light the flames of those around them. If I believed that by simply making a mantra and saying it  a couple of  times here and there, that I would actually get results, I would be crazy… Right now,  reading this, you can see how logical it is for a lot of resolutions to fail, yet how many times have we fallen  into the same trap, just to later be upset at ourselves?

It is my highest passion to help busy entrepreneurs find a better work/life balance so that they can in turn serve their family, friends, and work associates better.  This balance I teach my clients comes from a greater understanding that in order to fill up other peoples cups, you must first take yourself off of the backburner. You MUST invest in yourself so that you have empowerment in your cup to give to others.

Now that we realize the underlying issue of the trendy ‘New Year, New Me’, let’s start out own trend. Let 2018 be the year of ‘New Year, New Mentor’. By investing in a mentor, you are allowing yourself to come to the forefront. You are ensuring that systematic ACTION is being taken. The simple act of taking this action will start your 2018 transformation in more powerful ways than you can imagine.

Let me know in the comments what about this blog hit home with you. Also, feel free to share with anyone in your life currently struggling with implementation and execution of things that will get her to her goals in life. 

If you are not ready to take action and transform your life for the better, my challenging question for you would be; Why  the hell not? 

Happy Birthday To Me, and To You!

Happy Birthday To Me, and To You!

Learning to Expect the Unexpected.

Learning to Expect the Unexpected.